Aluminium Windows – A Guide for Beginners

Aluminium windows and sliding doors are made of aluminium frames and casings rather than steel, vinyl, or wood. While you might see them more in commercial and industrial buildings than in residential one, they are still popular among most builders in almost all settings.

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Choosing the right one for you should involve weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of aluminium. Here are more details:

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Why is Aluminium Popular?

  • Sliding windows made of aluminium are versatile due to their weight to strength ratio.
  • Aluminium is a great choice for buildings that demand large windows due to its strength. For instance, it makes it possible to construct a structure that would appear as if it is made of glass alone.
  • Windows made of aluminium resist swelling, rusting, cracking, shrinking, and splitting.
  • It is better at controlling noise than most types of windows.
  • It is economical with respect to costs of purchase, installation, and maintenance.

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Shortcomings of Aluminium

  • Aluminium is a good conductor of heat. This makes it unreliable in terms of energy efficiency when compared to other materials that make windows. Hence, they are less popular in cold environments. This problem can be minimized by using non-conductive materials between two aluminium panes.
  • Some people consider sliding aluminium windows as metallic or dull in appearance, unlike the natural aesthetics of wood products. However, modern coloring techniques make them look appealing and blend with the existing scheme.

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Products Clad with Aluminium

Aluminium’s durability, affordability, and versatility make it a great choice for windows for homeowners who reside in an area with moderate weather conditions where cold is not a major concern. If you prefer the warmth offered by traditional wooden frames in the interior of a home, then consider using wood products clad in aluminium.

Although they might be more expensive when compared to pure aluminium, they are made of wood and their exterior is clad with aluminium to ensure that the window is protected from weathering or warping. In this case, however, aluminium’s poor energy efficiency would still be an issue.

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