In this article, we explore the two most popular materials used for sliding doors – aluminium and uPVC – and compare their energy efficiency based on various factors. The factors considered include their basic properties, thermal performance and insulation, air tightness, life cycle and durability, and their recyclability and environmental impact. The article further provides insights on the maintenance requirements, longevity, and impact on energy efficiency for each material. By the end of this comprehensive assessment, readers will have a clear understanding of which material is more energy-efficient and suited for their individual requirements in sliding doors.

aluminium sliding doors opening up to a sea view


Table of Contents

Overview of Aluminium and uPVC Sliding Doors Material

In recent years, sliding doors have become increasingly popular for both residential and commercial properties. The two most commonly used materials for these sliding doors are aluminium and unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, better known as uPVC. Each material offers distinct benefits and limitations, making one more suitable for specific applications than the other. This article will provide a detailed comparison of the properties and benefits of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors to help you determine the best choice for your needs.

Basic properties of aluminium

Aluminium is a lightweight, corrosion-resistant metal that has been widely used in the construction industry for many years. Some of the basic properties of aluminium include:

  1. Lightweight: Aluminium has a low density, making it a lightweight material. This property allows for easy transportation, installation, and handling of aluminium sliding doors.
  2. Corrosion resistance: Aluminium is naturally protected from corrosion due to a thin oxide layer that forms on its surface when exposed to air. This oxide layer protects the metal from further oxidization and degradation, making aluminium sliding doors suitable for exterior applications, especially in coastal areas where corrosion potential is high.
  3. Strength: Aluminium has a relatively high strength-to-weight ratio, making it suitable for sliding doors that need to withstand significant amounts of stress and load.
  4. Thermal conductivity: Aluminium is a good conductor of heat, making it less energy-efficient compared to uPVC doors. However, thermal breaks can be added to aluminium profiles to improve their energy efficiency.
  5. Thermal expansion: Aluminium has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, meaning that it expands and contracts significantly with temperature changes. This property may cause slight deformation or misalignment in the sliding door system over time, especially in extreme temperature environments.
  6. Eco-friendliness: Aluminium is recyclable and can be re-used multiple times without loss of properties, making it an environmentally friendly choice for sliding doors.

Basic properties of uPVC

uPVC stands for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, a plastic polymer used to manufacture window and door frames. Some of the basic properties of uPVC include:

  1. Insulation: uPVC is a poor conductor of heat, making it a good insulator. In comparison to aluminium, uPVC sliding doors offer better thermal performance and energy efficiency, which can lead to reduced energy bills.
  2. Low maintenance: uPVC sliding doors require very little maintenance, as they do not corrode, rot, or warp over time. They can be easily cleaned with mild soap and water, without the need for regular painting or refinishing.
  3. Sound insulation: uPVC has excellent sound insulation properties due to its dense composition. This makes uPVC sliding doors an attractive option for buildings situated in noisy urban areas, as they can help to reduce external noise penetration.
  4. Durability: uPVC is a robust, long-lasting material that can withstand the rigours of daily use without significant deterioration. However, it tends to become brittle over time and more prone to cracking under severe impact than aluminium.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: uPVC is generally more affordable than aluminium, making it a popular choice for homeowners seeking a cost-effective sliding door solution. However, this lower cost can also translate to reduced durability and performance when compared to aluminium doors.
  6. Environmental impact: uPVC is considered less eco-friendly due to its non-biodegradable nature and the fact that it is made from non-renewable petroleum resources. Additionally, uPVC production and disposal processes can release harmful chemicals and toxins, making it a less environmentally-friendly choice than aluminium.

In conclusion, both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to consider factors such as location, climate, budget, and desired aesthetics when choosing the right material for your sliding door project.

Energy Efficiency Factors: General Considerations

Energy efficiency is a critical aspect of sustainable development, aiming to reduce energy consumption in buildings, transportation, and industrial processes. Achieving this requires careful consideration of several factors related to building design, construction, and operation. Among these are thermal performance and insulation, air tightness, life cycle of materials, and recyclability and environmental impact.

Thermal performance and insulation

Thermal performance refers to the ability of a building envelope—the exterior walls, windows, doors, roof, and foundation—to manage the flow of heat in and out of the building. Good thermal performance reduces energy consumption by over 20% by maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature while minimizing the need for heating or cooling.

Effective insulation is a key aspect of good thermal performance. Insulating materials are installed to slow down the transfer of heat between the interior and exterior surfaces of a building. The ability of insulation materials to resist thermal conductivity is measured using their R-value or U-value. High-quality insulation with a high R-value or low U-value will ensure that heat is effectively retained in the winter and repelled in the summer, leading to significant energy savings.

There are various types of insulation materials available, each with different properties and applications. Common insulation materials include fiberglass, cellulose, mineral wool, foam board, and spray foam insulation.

Air tightness

Air tightness is the measure of how well a building prevents uncontrolled airflow between the interior and exterior. Air leaks in a building’s envelope can cause heat loss, negatively impacting thermal performance and resulting in energy wastage. An air barrier is necessary to restrict the flow of air through the building envelope, reducing heat transfer and air movement.

To ensure a high level of energy efficiency, it is essential to address air tightness both during the design and construction phases. Some strategies for achieving optimal air tightness include sealing gaps, using energy-efficient windows, and properly installing insulation materials to minimize thermal bridging.

Besides conserving energy, improving air tightness has other benefits, such as reducing drafts, enhancing indoor air quality, and protecting building components from moisture-related issues like dampness and mold growth.

Life cycle of materials

The life cycle of materials refers to the various stages that a material goes through from its production, use, and disposal or recycling. Considering the material’s life cycle in the context of energy efficiency involves making choices that minimize its environmental impact and energy consumption throughout the life cycle. By opting for durable, energy-efficient materials that last longer and require less maintenance, one can ensure a more energy-efficient and sustainable building in the long run.

It is also essential to consider the embodied energy of construction materials—energy used in extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials to the construction site. Lower embodied energy materials are more sustainable, and their use can significantly reduce the overall energy consumption of a building.

Recyclability and environmental impact

Another factor to consider when aiming for energy efficiency in buildings is the recyclability and environmental impact of materials used. Choosing construction materials that have minimal negative effects on the environment will contribute to a more sustainable, energy-efficient building.

Prioritizing the use of recycled, locally sourced, and renewable materials is one way to reduce environmental impacts and cut down on energy consumption related to material production and transportation. Additionally, constructing buildings that can be easily disassembled and recycled at the end of their lifespan further promotes sustainability.

Incorporating green building practices such as green roofs, rainwater harvesting, and solar panels can also make a significant difference in the environmental impact and energy efficiency of a building.

By considering these factors in the planning, design, and construction stages, architects, engineers, and builders can construct energy-efficient buildings that have lower energy consumption and carbon emissions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

Thermal Performance and Insulation

Understanding the thermal performance and insulation properties of sliding doors is crucial to make a well-informed decision when building or renovating your property. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of aluminium and uPVC material used in sliding door construction, the role of insulated glass units, and the importance of U-values in determining their energy efficiency.

Thermal conductivity of aluminium and uPVC

Thermal conductivity refers to the ability of a particular material to conduct heat. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the insulating properties of the material. Aluminium has a high thermal conductivity due to its metallic nature, which makes it an efficient conductor of heat. This ability to conduct heat quickly can be a disadvantage in certain circumstances where you want to maintain a consistent indoor temperature irrespective of the outdoor temperature.

On the other hand, uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is a type of rigid and durable plastic that exhibits significantly lower thermal conductivity when compared to aluminium. Because of this, uPVC is considered an excellent insulator that efficiently prevents heat transfer between the indoors and outdoors. This results in a more stable indoor temperature and decreased dependency on heating and cooling systems, ultimately contributing to lower energy consumption and reduced energy bills.

Insulated glass units (IGUs) and their role in energy efficiency

An insulated glass unit (IGU) is a combination of two or more glass panes separated by a gas-filled space or vacuum, which is designed to reduce heat transfer across the window or door. IGUs are commonly found in double-glazed or triple-glazed windows and sliding doors. They play a vital role in improving the energy efficiency of a building by providing better insulation and reducing heat transfer through the glazing.

Both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors can be fitted with IGUs, which further enhances their insulating properties. The type of glass and the gas or vacuum between the panes will have a direct impact on the overall energy efficiency of the door. Additionally, the choice of the right type of spacer bars, seals, and the correct assembly of the IGUs is crucial in ensuring optimal thermal performance.

U-values and their impact on energy efficiency

U-values are a measure of the rate of heat transfer through a building material, expressed in watts per square meter Kelvin (W/m²K). A lower U-value represents better insulating properties of the material, resulting in reduced heat transfer and improved energy efficiency.

U-values are essential when comparing the thermal performance of different materials used in building construction, such as aluminium and uPVC sliding doors. For example, if a sliding door made from aluminium has a higher U-value than a similar sliding door made from uPVC, it means the aluminium one will allow more heat to pass through, resulting in higher energy consumption and higher energy bills.

Comparing the U-values of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

Generally, uPVC sliding doors tend to have lower U-values when compared to aluminium ones, mainly due to their superior thermal insulation properties. However, it’s important to note that the U-value of a sliding door is not only determined by the material it’s made from, but also by the type of glazing, insulating gas, and proper installation.

Modern aluminium sliding doors with thermal break technology have significantly improved their thermal performance, narrowing the gap between the U-values of uPVC and aluminium doors. Thermal breaks are sections of non-metallic material included in the aluminium frame, which helps reduce heat transfer through the door. These improved aluminium doors, while not quite as insulating as uPVC, offer a viable option for those who prefer aluminium’s aesthetics, strength, and durability without compromising too much of the energy efficiency.

In conclusion, when comparing the thermal performance and insulation properties of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors, it’s essential to consider the U-values, the use of insulated glass units, and the overall construction quality. While uPVC generally offers better insulation, modern aluminium doors with thermal break technology have made significant strides in improving their energy efficiency as well. A well-informed decision based on these factors will help you enjoy the benefits of a comfortable and energy-efficient home environment.

Air Tightness and Draught Proofing

Air tightness and draught proofing are essential aspects of a building’s design, construction, and maintenance. They contribute to the overall energy efficiency, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality. By improving the air tightness and draught proofing of your home, you can reduce energy consumption, save on energy bills, and increase comfort levels. This article will discuss the importance of air tightness for energy efficiency, the role of gasket systems in air tightness, air leakage rates for aluminium and uPVC sliding doors, and a comparison between the two types of sliding doors.

Importance of air tightness for energy efficiency

Air tightness refers to the level of control over the air leakage in and out of a building. A building with good air tightness allows minimal uncontrolled air movement through the building’s envelope, which significantly improves energy efficiency. Air leaks can cause drafts, cold spots, and hot spots, ultimately resulting in uneven temperature distribution throughout the house. By reducing air leaks, you can maintain a more consistent indoor temperature and reduce the need for heating and cooling systems to work harder.

Furthermore, air tightness helps prevent condensation and moisture buildup in walls, ceilings, and roofs that can lead to mould, mildew, and rot, causing structural damage and potential health risks. Improved air tightness also reduces the infiltration of outdoor air pollutants, such as dust, pollen, and chemicals, leading to improved indoor air quality.

Gasket systems and their role in air tightness

Gasket systems play a crucial role in achieving air tightness in buildings. Gaskets are flexible sealing materials used to fill gaps and seal joints between building components, such as windows and doors, to prevent air, water, and noise infiltration. There are various types of gaskets, including rubber, foam, and metal, with different properties to suit different applications and materials.

In sliding doors, gasket systems are designed to provide an airtight seal around the frame and between the sliding panels. The gasket ensures that when the door is closed, it effectively seals against the frame and the adjacent panel, preventing drafts and air leaks. Gaskets can wear out over time or become damaged, so regular maintenance and replacement are essential to maintain air tightness.

Air leakage rates for aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

Aluminium and uPVC sliding doors are common choices in residential and commercial construction due to their durability, aesthetics, and affordability. However, their air leakage rates differ.

Aluminium sliding doors are strong and lightweight, featuring slim sightlines and a high level of customization. However, the metal is highly conductive, which can negatively impact thermal performance unless thermal breaks are installed. An aluminium sliding door with a well-designed gasket system can achieve air leakage rates at 0.1 m3/h.m2 at 50 Pa. This is considered a suitable level of air tightness for most modern buildings.

uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is a popular material for sliding doors due to its low maintenance, resistance to corrosion, and excellent thermal performance. Unlike aluminium, uPVC is a poor conductor of heat, making it an ideal material for insulating against temperature fluctuations. uPVC sliding doors with well-designed gasket systems can achieve lower air leakage rates compared to aluminium doors, as low as 0.05 m3/h.m2 at 50 Pa.

Comparing the air leakage rates of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

When comparing the air leakage rates of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors, it is essential to consider the effectiveness of the gasket system in each door type. As mentioned before, uPVC sliding doors typically have lower air leakage rates than aluminium doors due to their inherent thermal performance properties.

However, it is important to highlight that the quality of the gasket system and the installation of the doors can significantly impact air leakage rates, regardless of the door material. Therefore, it is vital to choose a reputable manufacturer and installer to ensure that the chosen sliding door, whether aluminium or uPVC, meets the required air tightness standards.

In conclusion, air tightness and draught proofing are crucial for energy efficiency, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality in buildings. Gasket systems play a significant role in ensuring airtightness in sliding doors, with uPVC doors generally exhibiting lower air leakage rates than aluminium doors. Regardless of the door material, it is essential to prioritize quality installation and maintenance to achieve optimal air tightness and energy efficiency.

Life Cycle and Durability

In the construction and design industry, the life cycle and durability of building materials play a major role in their selection. When it comes to sliding doors, aluminium and uPVC are two popular options to consider. In this article, we will discuss the maintenance requirements, longevity, impact on energy efficiency, and life cycle comparison of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors.

Maintenance requirements for aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

When it comes to maintenance, both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors require minimal attention. Aluminium sliding doors are resistant to weathering and corrosion due to their natural oxide coating. They can withstand temperature fluctuations, humidity, and UV rays, making them suitable for a wide range of climates. These doors only require occasional cleaning to maintain their appearance and prevent dirt build-up. You may also need to lubricate the moving parts and rollers, as well as check hinges, seals, and locks regularly for any signs of wear or damage.

uPVC sliding doors are also low maintenance. They do not need painting, staining or additional treatments to maintain their appearance or structural integrity. Regular cleaning with water and mild soap will suffice to keep them in good condition. However, due to their plastic nature, uPVC doors can become discoloured over time, particularly when exposed to direct sunlight. For this reason, using a high-quality, UV-resistant uPVC profile for your sliding doors is recommended. As with aluminium sliding doors, lubricating moving parts and inspecting seals, hinges, and locks is also required to ensure smooth operation and security.

Longevity of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

While both materials have a durable construction, aluminium sliding doors tend to last longer than their uPVC counterparts. Aluminium doors can last over 30 years, while uPVC sliding doors have an average lifespan of 20-25 years. However, the actual lifespan of a sliding door can be influenced by factors such as installation quality, material quality, and proper maintenance.

Moreover, aluminium is a more robust material that can withstand extreme weather conditions, wear and tear, and physical impact better than uPVC. The longevity of uPVC depends on the quality of the profile, with cheaper options being more prone to discolouration, deformation, and wear. Therefore, investing in a high-quality uPVC sliding door can extend its lifespan and maintain its functionality.

How durability impacts the energy efficiency

Durability plays a role in the energy efficiency of sliding doors, as both the material and construction quality can affect insulation, air infiltration, and ultimately, energy consumption. Aluminium sliding doors with built-in thermal breaks offer improved insulation, reducing energy loss in winter and heat gain in summer. However, these thermal breaks may wear down over time, compromising energy efficiency.

uPVC sliding doors generally have better insulating properties, and their plastic profile doesn’t conduct heat as readily as aluminium. Over time, uPVC doors may lose some of their insulating properties due to warping or deterioration, but with proper maintenance and care, they can still maintain good energy efficiency.

Comparing the life cycle of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

In terms of life cycle assessment, aluminium sliding doors have several advantages over uPVC doors. Since aluminium has a longer lifespan and can be recycled multiple times without losing its structural properties, it possesses a lower environmental impact. On the other hand, although uPVC doors are recyclable, the process is more complex and energy-intensive, reducing their environmental friendliness.

However, the energy efficiency of uPVC doors during their in-use phase can potentially offset some of their environmental disadvantages. By choosing high-quality, energy-efficient sliding doors, homeowners can reduce heating and cooling costs, thereby lowering the overall carbon footprint associated with the doors’ life cycle.

In conclusion, both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of life cycle and durability. Factors such as maintenance, longevity, energy efficiency, and their life cycle assessment must be considered when selecting the most suitable sliding door material for a project. With proper care and consideration, both materials can provide reliable, durable, and energy-efficient solutions for residential and commercial sliding door applications.

Recyclability and Environmental Impact

As sustainability and ecological concerns become more important in our everyday lives, it is vital to consider the recyclability and environmental impact of the materials we use. In this article, we will discuss the recyclability and environmental impact of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors, focusing on their recycling rates, energy requirements for recycling, production processes, and overall ecological effects.

Recycling rates for aluminium and uPVC materials

Aluminium is one of the most recycled materials in the world. According to a study by the European Aluminium Association, the recycling rate of aluminium across various sectors is estimated to be between 90% and 97%. This high recycling rate is mainly because aluminium can be recycled infinitely without losing its natural properties, making it an excellent material for reusing in various applications.

On the other hand, uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is a type of plastic that, despite being widely used for window and door frames, does not have as high a recycling rate as aluminium. In general, the recycling rate of uPVC is considerably lower than that of aluminium, often estimated to be around 50%. However, recent technological advancements have allowed uPVC to be more efficiently recycled, increasing its recycling rates and reducing waste.

Energy required for recycling aluminium and uPVC

The energy consumption for recycling aluminium and uPVC is another factor to consider when assessing their environmental impact. According to the International Aluminium Institute (IAI), recycling aluminium requires only 5% of the energy used to produce the metal from raw materials, otherwise known as the primary production process of aluminium involving bauxite ore. This energy efficiency translates to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions during the recycling process compared to primary production.

On the other hand, uPVC recycling is not as energy-efficient as aluminium recycling. A study by the Technical University of Denmark found that recycling uPVC consumes approximately 20% of the energy needed for its primary production. While the energy consumption of uPVC recycling is higher than that of aluminium recycling, it is still considerably lower than the energy required for producing virgin uPVC materials.

Environmental impact of aluminium and uPVC production

The production processes of both aluminium and uPVC have distinct environmental impacts that need to be taken into account when comparing their ecological effects. For aluminium, its primary production involves the extraction and processing of bauxite ore, which can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and water pollution in countries where bauxite mining takes place. Additionally, the production of aluminium is energy-intensive, resulting in considerable greenhouse gas emissions.

In comparison, uPVC production is less energy-intensive than aluminium production. However, the manufacturing process of uPVC involves the use of toxic chemicals, such as lead and cadmium, which can contribute to air and water pollution. Moreover, the disposal of uPVC, if not properly recycled, can lead to harmful substances being released into the environment as the material breaks down.

Comparing the overall environmental impact of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors

Ultimately, both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors have environmental impacts that should be considered. In terms of recyclability, aluminium is the superior option, with a higher recycling rate and lower energy consumption for recycling than uPVC. However, the primary production of aluminium is relatively more environmentally damaging than uPVC production, due to its impacts on natural habitats and the high energy consumption and emissions involved.

As for uPVC, while its recycling rate is lower than aluminium, it is continuously improving due to technological advancements. Its production process is less energy-intensive but involves the use of toxic chemicals, which contribute to pollution if not properly managed.

In conclusion, there is no definitive answer to which material is more environmentally friendly, as both have their strengths and weaknesses. When choosing between aluminium and uPVC sliding doors, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of each material, as well as other factors such as cost, durability, and aesthetics. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on individual preferences and the specific requirements of each project.

Conclusion: Which Material is More Energy Efficient?

In this article, we have considered the energy efficiency of two popular materials for sliding doors: aluminium and uPVC. By examining factors such as thermal performance, longevity, and recyclability, we aim to provide homeowners with the necessary information to decide which material is more suitable for their needs.

Comparing the energy efficiency of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors based on the factors discussed

  1. Thermal Performance: uPVC sliding doors are more thermally efficient compared to their aluminium counterparts. They have better insulating properties, often resulting in significant energy savings on heating and cooling. This is mainly because uPVC is a poor conductor of heat and has lower thermal conductivity. Aluminium, on the other hand, is a good conductor of heat and requires a thermal break to improve its insulation performance. However, technological advancements like thermally broken aluminium have helped bridge the gap between aluminium and uPVC sliding doors in terms of thermal performance.
  2. Longevity and Durability: Both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors are known for their durability and long lifespan. However, aluminium can withstand harsher weather conditions and is less likely to warp, crack, or fade in extreme temperatures. This makes it more suitable for coastal areas where corrosion could be an issue. Additionally, aluminium sliding doors are generally stronger, meaning they can hold larger panes of glass, allowing for more natural light and, in turn, passive solar heating. On the other hand, uPVC sliding doors may require more maintenance in harsh climates and are more susceptible to wear and tear.
  3. Recyclability: Aluminium is one of the most recyclable materials, often with a recycling rate of around 90-95%. Additionally, the recycling process of aluminium requires less energy compared to the production of primary aluminium. uPVC, on the other hand, is not biodegradable and can only be recycled to a certain extent. However, steps are being taken by the industry to improve uPVC recycling rates and develop more sustainable practices.

Choosing the right material depending on individual requirements

Ultimately, the decision between using aluminium and uPVC sliding doors will vary based on individual requirements and preferences.

For those who prioritize thermal performance and energy efficiency, uPVC sliding doors may be the better choice due to their superior insulation properties. In addition, they are also more cost-effective to install, which could be another deciding factor for budget-conscious homeowners.

For those who live in coastal areas or harsh climates, aluminium sliding doors may be more appropriate due to their corrosion resistance and overall durability. The ability to hold larger panes of glass can also be advantageous in terms of allowing more natural light into a living space.

While aluminium is currently more sustainable and recyclable compared to uPVC, the latter is continually being improved to provide a greener alternative. Thus, homeowners who prioritize eco-friendliness may want to keep an eye on industry advancements in uPVC production and recyclability.

In conclusion, both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors have their respective advantages and drawbacks when it comes to energy efficiency, so it is crucial to evaluate your individual needs and preferences to make an informed decision.


FAQs on Comparing the Energy Efficiency of Aluminium Sliding Doors with uPVC Sliding Doors

1. What are the energy efficiency differences between aluminium and uPVC sliding doors?

Aluminium sliding doors display lower thermal performance compared to uPVC alternatives, leading to higher energy consumption for temperature regulation. uPVC doors provide better insulation due to the material’s low thermal conductivity and energy-efficient design (BGH, 2021).

2. How do aluminium and uPVC sliding doors impact heating and cooling costs?

uPVC sliding doors effectively conserve heat during winter and prevent overheating in summer, resulting in reduced heating and cooling costs. In contrast, aluminium sliding doors conduct heat quickly, leading to higher energy usage for temperature control (VELFAC, 2021).

3. Can aluminium sliding doors be made more energy-efficient?

Improving the energy efficiency of aluminium sliding doors is possible through the use of high-quality insulation materials, such as the installation of thermal breaks and appropriate glazing (Heetz & Bassin, 2015).

4. What is the role of glazing in the energy efficiency of sliding doors?

Glazing significantly affects the energy efficiency of sliding doors. Double or triple glazing with low-emissivity coatings improves insulation, reduces energy consumption, and enhances the overall performance of both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors (Glass for Europe, 2021).

5. Do the maintenance requirements of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors affect energy efficiency?

Maintenance requirements generally do not impact the energy efficiency of sliding doors directly. However, properly maintaining seals and hardware ensures optimal performance, ultimately contributing to energy conservation in both aluminium and uPVC sliding doors (Plascycle, n.d.).

6. Which material is more environmentally friendly: aluminium or uPVC sliding doors?

Comparing the environmental impact of aluminium and uPVC sliding doors depends on various factors, including production, energy consumption, and recyclability. While uPVC doors exhibit superior energy efficiency, aluminium doors benefit from higher recyclability and a longer lifespan (Heetz & Bassin, 2015).


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