This comprehensive article discusses the differences between double and triple glazing windows, diving deep into their components, insulation performance, and energy efficiency. It compares the thermal and sound insulation properties of each, explaining U-values and R-values. Cost factors, including materials, installation, and maintenance, are explored alongside energy savings and return on investment comparisons. Additionally, the article considers the environmental impact of each option and guides readers on choosing the right window system for their property based on factors such as climate and building regulations.

Cost Comparison Between Double and Triple Glazing


Table of Contents

Understanding Double and Triple Glazing

A well-insulated home is essential for maintaining comfortable living conditions and reducing energy consumption. One significant factor contributing to a home’s insulation is its windows. Double and triple glazing techniques offer an efficient way to improve a home’s insulation and energy performance. In this article, we will explore the differences between double and triple glazing, the components of these systems, and how they contribute to energy efficiency.

Definition of Double Glazing

Double glazing refers to a window design that features two panes of glass separated by a thin layer of air or a gas, typically argon or krypton. This layer effectively absorbs and reduces the transmission of noise and heat, which provides enhanced insulation, soundproofing and energy efficiency compared to a single-pane window. Double glazing has become a standard in modern buildings due to its ability to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, reduce energy consumption and costs, and benefit the environment through lower carbon emissions.

Definition of Triple Glazing

As the name suggests, triple glazing is a step up from double glazing, consisting of three panes of glass instead of two. Each pane is separated by layers of air or inert gas, offering even more remarkable insulation, soundproofing, and energy efficiency properties than double glazed windows. Triple glazing is a popular choice in colder climates, where it dramatically reduces heat loss and condensation. However, due to its higher cost and weight, it is less commonly installed in homes and buildings in milder climates.

Components of Double and Triple Glazing Systems

Double and triple glazing systems consist of several components that work together to provide improved insulation and energy efficiency. These components include:

  1. Glass panes – The panes are typically made of low-emissivity (Low-E) glass, which is specially coated to minimize the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that can pass through it without affecting the amount of visible light entering your home. This helps keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
  2. Spacer bars – These are used to separate the glass panes and maintain the gap between them. Spacer bars can be made from aluminum, stainless steel, or a combination of materials, contributing to the insulating properties of the window.
  3. Gas layer (air or inert gas) – The space between the glass panes is filled with either air or an inert gas such as argon or krypton. These gases are better insulators than air, reducing heat transfer and contributing to the overall energy efficiency of the window.
  4. Seals – High-quality seals are essential to prevent air or gas leaks and maintain the insulating properties of the window. Seals also protect against moisture and the potential for condensation between the panes.
  5. Frames – The window frames can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, aluminum, uPVC, or composite materials. Different materials have different insulating properties and vary in cost, aesthetics, and maintenance requirements, so it’s essential to choose the frames best suited to your needs and budget.

How Double and Triple Glazing Improve Energy Efficiency

Double and triple glazing windows improve energy efficiency by reducing heat transfer through the window, hence minimizing heat loss during cold weather and preventing heat from entering during hot weather. The air or gas layer between the glass panes provides a barrier that slows down the heat transfer and improves the insulation of the window.

Furthermore, the use of Low-E glass coatings in double and triple glazing systems allows for more effective control of solar heat gain, reflecting heat back into your home in the winter and keeping it out in the summer. This helps regulate indoor temperatures, requiring less energy for heating and cooling, ultimately leading to a reduction in energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

Additionally, double and triple glazed windows offer better sound insulation due to the air or gas layers providing sound absorption, adding an extra level of comfort to your home.

Overall, double and triple glazing windows not only improve insulation, energy efficiency, and soundproofing but also assist in creating a more comfortable and environmentally conscious living space.

Comparing Insulation Performance

When it comes to choosing the right windows for your home or building, insulation performance plays a crucial role in determining energy efficiency, comfort, and cost savings. In this post, we will compare the thermal insulation properties of double glazing and triple glazing to help you make an informed decision.

Thermal Insulation Properties of Double Glazing

Double glazed windows, as the name implies, consist of two layers of glass separated by a gap filled with air or an insulating gas such as argon. This design improves the insulating properties of the window compared to a single-pane window. The air or gas trapped between the two layers of glass acts as an insulating barrier that reduces heat transfer between the interior and exterior of the building.

A key factor influencing the thermal insulation performance of double glazing is the type of glass used. Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass is commonly used for double glazing, as it features a microscopic metallic coating that reflects radiative heat, further enhancing the insulating properties.

Furthermore, the spacer bars used to keep the two glass panes apart also affect the insulating performance of double-glazed windows. Warm-edge spacer bars made of materials like silicone or foam have enhanced thermal performance when compared to traditional aluminum spacer bars.

Thermal Insulation Properties of Triple Glazing

Triple glazed windows feature three layers of glass with two gaps filled with air or insulating gas. This additional layer of glass and gas-filled gap improve the insulation performance even further, offering greater energy efficiency and noise reduction when compared to double glazing. Triple glazing is particularly effective in colder climates where heat loss and condensation are major concerns.

The same factors that influence the insulation performance of double glazing apply to triple glazing as well. The type of glass, spacer bars, and gas used play important roles in the overall effectiveness of the window’s insulation properties.

U-values and R-values Explained

When comparing the insulation performance of various window solutions, U-values and R-values are often used as key metrics. The U-value represents the rate of heat transfer through a building component like windows. It is measured in Watts per square meter Kelvin (W/m²K) and a lower U-value indicates better insulation performance.

The R-value, on the other hand, measures the thermal resistance of a building component. It is expressed in meter squared Kelvin per Watt (m²K/W) and a higher R-value indicates better insulation performance.

In essence, the U-value measures heat transfer while the R-value measures the ability of a material to resist heat transfer. Both values are important when assessing insulation performance, but most window manufacturers focus on U-values when describing the energy efficiency of their products.

Comparison of U-values and R-values for Double and Triple Glazing

As discussed earlier, triple glazed windows generally provide better insulation performance than double glazed windows. This difference is reflected in the U-values and R-values of the two solutions.

By comparing different window options, typical U-values for double glazing range from 2.8 to 1.6 W/m²K, while triple glazing U-values range from 1.2 to 0.6 W/m²K. This means that, on average, triple glazing offers significantly better insulation performance and energy efficiency than double glazing.

When it comes to R-values, double glazed windows typically have R-values in the range of 0.59 to 0.71 m²K/W. For triple glazed windows, R-values are generally higher, ranging from 0.80 to 1.66 m²K/W.

It’s important to remember that these values can vary depending on the specific window components and materials used. Always check the stated U-values and R-values of the windows you’re considering to ensure they meet your insulation and energy efficiency requirements.

Comparing Sound Insulation

Sound insulation is essential for creating a peaceful and enjoyable living environment, especially in areas with high levels of external noise, such as busy streets or industrial areas. Residential and commercial buildings can benefit significantly from sound-insulating materials, as they reduce the penetration of external noise and improve the comfort of the occupants. In this article, we will focus on the sound insulation properties of double glazing and triple glazing, the most common types of glazing used in windows.

Sound Insulation Properties of Double Glazing

Double glazed windows consist of two layers of glass with an air gap between them. They are designed to provide better thermal insulation and sound insulation compared to single-glazed windows. Double glazing typically provides an average of 25 to 35 decibels (dB) of sound reduction, which can make a significant difference in reducing the impact of exterior noise on the occupants.

The effectiveness of double glazing in sound insulation can be influenced by several factors, such as the thickness of the glass panes, the width of the gap between the panes, and the type of filler gas used to fill the gap. Thicker glass panes can provide better sound insulation because they have more mass and can absorb more sound energy. Similarly, a wider gap between the glass panes increases the overall insulation effectiveness.

The air gap in double glazing can also be filled with inert gas, such as argon or krypton, which offers additional sound insulation benefits. These gases have a higher density than regular air, making them more capable of reducing sound transmission through the window. Inevitably, this contributes to the overall effectiveness of double glazed windows as a sound insulator.

Sound Insulation Properties of Triple Glazing

Triple glazed windows are an advanced version of double glazing that incorporate three layers of glass with two air gaps between them. They are primarily designed to provide superior thermal insulation. However, they can also offer better sound insulation than double glazed windows. Triple glazing can provide an average noise reduction of around 30 to 40 dB, making them more effective in minimizing the impact of external noise.

Like with double glazing, the effectiveness of triple glazing in sound insulation depends on the thickness of the glass panes, the width of the air gaps, and the type of filler gas. Thicker panes and wider gaps can enhance the sound insulation capabilities of triple glazing.

It is worth noting that the benefits of triple glazing in sound insulation are not always proportionate to their higher cost compared to double glazing. The difference in decibel reduction between the two types can be only a few decibels. However, in cases where maximum sound insulation is required, such as in buildings near airports or busy highways, triple glazing may still be an appropriate choice.

Decibel Reduction Comparisons

As mentioned earlier, the average noise reduction provided by double glazing is around 25 to 35 dB, while triple glazing offers a reduction of 30 to 40 dB. To put these figures in context, let’s consider a few examples:

  • A busy urban street may have noise levels at around 70 to 75 dB. With double glazing, the noise level inside the building could reduce to a range of 45 to 50 dB, while with triple glazing, it could be around 40 to 45 dB.
  • The typical noise level of a conversation is around 60 dB. If a conversation is happening outside a double-glazed window, the noise level inside the building could be reduced to about 35 dB, making it barely audible. With triple glazing, the noise could be further reduced to around 30 dB.

These comparisons demonstrate that both double and triple glazing offer significant sound insulation benefits. However, your choice between the two will depend on the specific requirements of your project, your budget, and the level of noise reduction you need.

Cost Factors of Double and Triple Glazing

When considering the installation of double or triple glazing, cost is often a significant factor in the decision-making process. There are several factors that contribute to the overall expense of double or triple glazing, including materials and manufacturing, installation, and maintenance and repair costs. Understanding these factors can help homeowners make informed choices about the type of glazing they choose for their property.

Materials and Manufacturing Costs

One of the main contributors to the cost of double or triple glazing is the materials used in the manufacturing process. The primary materials used in double and triple glazing include the glass panes, spacer bars, and the inert gas, usually argon, that is placed between the panes.

The glass used in double glazing is typically thicker than that used in single glazing. This increased thickness provides better insulation and a higher level of energy efficiency. Triple glazing utilizes three panes of glass, thus increasing the thickness and the insulation even more. The greater the number of panes, the higher the cost due to the increased materials and manufacturing expenses.

Spacer bars are used to separate the panes of glass in both double and triple glazing. These bars are typically made of aluminum, steel, or a composite material. Composite materials, such as warm-edge spacer bars, can increase the overall cost of the glazing due to their higher manufacturing and material expenses.

Inert gas, usually argon, fills the space between the panes of glass in double and triple glazing. The inert gas helps to minimize heat transfer and increases the overall energy efficiency of the glazing. The cost of the inert gas depends on the type and quantity used, with triple glazing generally requiring more gas due to the additional pane of glass.

Installation Costs

Installation costs are another factor to consider when comparing double and triple glazing. These expenses depend on several factors, such as labor costs, the size and type of the windows, the method of installation, and additional services or accessories that may be required or requested.

Labor costs can vary significantly depending on the location, the local availability of skilled workers, and the complexity of the installation project. In general, triple glazing tends to be more labor-intensive due to the extra pane of glass that must be installed.

The size and type of windows being installed can also impact the overall cost of the installation. Larger or more specialized windows, such as bay windows or shaped windows, will often result in higher costs due to increased labor and materials.

The method of installation can also affect the cost. There are two main methods: retrofit, in which the new glazing is fitted into the existing window openings, and new construction, where the entire window, including the frame, is replaced. Retrofit installations typically cost less than new construction installations, as the latter requires additional work to remove and replace existing window frames.

Additional services, such as removing and disposing of old windows, sealing and insulating the window opening, adding window coverings or tints, or incorporating additional performance features like low-e coatings, can all add to the total installation cost.

Maintenance and Repair Costs

While double and triple glazing are generally low-maintenance options, there are still some costs associated with upkeep and potential repairs. One common issue with double and triple glazing is seal failure, which can result in condensation forming between the glass panes or reduced insulating performance. If a seal is compromised, the glazing unit may need to be replaced.

Additionally, if a pane of glass is damaged or cracked, it may need to be replaced, which can be costly. Triple-glazed windows are often more difficult to repair than double-glazed windows due to the increased number of panes.

Overall, it is essential to carefully weigh the cost factors associated with double and triple glazing when deciding which option is best for your property. Remember to take into consideration the materials and manufacturing, installation, and maintenance and repair expenses, as well as local factors, such as climate and energy prices, to make an informed decision.

Energy Savings and Return on Investment

Energy savings and return on investment (ROI) are two major factors to consider when deciding between double glazing and triple glazing for your windows. Both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. We will explore these factors and compare the energy bill savings, payback periods, and impact on property value for both double and triple-glazed windows.

Energy Bill Savings with Double Glazing

Double glazing consists of two glass panes fitted within a sealed frame, with a gap in between filled with an insulating gas, such as argon. This design significantly reduces heat transfer between the interior and exterior of a building. As a result, homes and other buildings with double-glazed windows enjoy improved insulation, leading to lower energy bills.

The energy savings from installing double glazing depends on various factors, such as the size of the property, the quality of the windows, and the local climate. According to the Energy Saving Trust, switching from single glazed to double glazed windows can save homeowners between £35 and £150 per year, depending on the property size and location.

Energy Bill Savings with Triple Glazing

Triple glazing takes the concept of double glazing a step further by including a third glass pane within the frame, separated by two insulating gas-filled gaps. This extra layer adds even greater insulating properties to the windows, further reducing heat transfer.

While triple glazing is undoubtedly more energy-efficient than double glazing, the actual savings might not be as pronounced. The extra cost incurred in installing triple-glazed windows takes longer to recoup through energy bill savings. Indeed, the aforementioned savings possible with double glazing already represent a significant portion of the potential energy bill reductions, with triple glazed windows offering diminishing returns.

Payback Period Comparisons

Considering the upfront costs and the expected energy bill savings, it is essential to compare the payback periods for both double and triple-glazed windows. The payback period is the time it takes for the savings to equal the cost of installation.

Double glazed windows typically have a shorter payback period compared to triple-glazed windows, due to their lower upfront costs. As an example, a £20,000 investment in high-quality double-glazed windows could yield annual energy savings of around £200. This means it would take roughly 100 years to repay the original investment.

In comparison, a £30,000 investment in triple-glazed windows might result in annual energy savings of £250 to £300. The payback period for this investment would then be between 100 and 120 years. Given these estimates, double-glazing appears more cost-effective in the long run due to shorter payback periods.

Impact on Property Value

Both double and triple-glazed windows can boost property values by improving a building’s energy efficiency and visual appeal. Homebuyers are increasingly interested in energy-efficient homes, with well-insulated windows being a crucial factor.

Double glazing is currently the industry standard for modern residential and commercial properties. Installing high-quality double-glazed windows can significantly increase a property’s value and attract potential buyers, particularly if the original windows were single-glazed or substandard.

While triple-glazed windows offer the potential for even greater energy efficiency, they may not dramatically impact property value as much as double-glazed windows. This is partly due to the higher upfront costs and lengthy payback periods associated with triple-glazed windows. That being said, in colder climates or premium markets where energy efficiency is paramount, triple glazing could still have a substantial impact on property value.

In conclusion, both double and triple-glazed windows have their advantages when it comes to energy savings and return on investment. Double glazing typically offers shorter payback periods and a significant increase in property value, while triple glazing provides enhanced energy efficiency. The decision ultimately depends on one’s budget, local climate, and property size.

Environmental Considerations

In recent years, the world has become more conscious of the impact that human activities have on the environment. The need to reduce our carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices is now more important than ever. In the construction industry, this has led to adopting environmentally friendly practices and using sustainable materials. In this article, we will explore the significance of reducing the carbon footprint and maximizing the recyclability of materials in construction projects.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

The carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced directly or indirectly by human activities, expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide. In construction, the carbon footprint is generated from several sources, including the extraction of raw materials, transportation, and manufacturing processes. Reducing the carbon footprint has become a high priority for governments, organizations, and individuals alike, as it helps combat climate change and preserves the environment for future generations.

There are several approaches that the construction industry can adopt to reduce their carbon footprint:

  1. Use of sustainable materials: One of the most effective ways to reduce the carbon footprint in the construction industry is by using sustainable materials, such as wood from well-managed forests or recycled metals. These materials have a lower environmental impact than traditional materials and contribute less to greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Efficient energy use: Implementing energy-efficient designs and systems in buildings can significantly reduce the carbon footprint. Examples include using well-insulated walls and windows, solar panels, and energy-efficient lighting.
  3. Reducing waste: Construction waste can be reduced by proper planning, using prefabricated components, and recycling waste materials. Reducing waste not only decreases greenhouse gas emissions but also helps conserve natural resources and reduce landfill usage.
  4. Green transportation: Encouraging the use of public transportation and reducing the number of vehicles on the road can minimize the environmental impact of transportation during construction activities. Additionally, using electric or hybrid vehicles can contribute to carbon footprint reduction.
  5. Sustainable construction methods: Adopting sustainable construction methods like green (vegetated) roofs, rainwater harvesting systems, and natural ventilation can reduce the carbon footprint of a building and improve its overall energy efficiency.

Recyclability of Materials

The use of recyclable materials in construction projects is an effective way of minimizing the environmental impact of the industry. By recycling, we prevent waste generation and conserve natural resources, thereby reducing the overall carbon footprint of construction activities.

Some commonly used recyclable materials in the construction industry include:

  1. Steel: Steel is one of the most widely used and easily recyclable materials in construction. Due to its high strength and durability, steel can be easily repurposed and reused in new constructions, reducing both waste and the need for new materials.
  2. Aluminum: Aluminum has a low weight-to-strength ratio, making it ideal for use in lightweight structures and for replacing heavier, less environmentally-friendly materials. Aluminum can be recycled several times without losing its properties, and the recycling process consumes only 5% of the energy required to produce virgin aluminum.
  3. Concrete: Concrete can be crushed and reused as aggregate in new constructions, reducing the need for fresh raw materials and decreasing waste. This process lowers both the carbon footprint and landfilled waste generated by construction activities.
  4. Wood: Reclaimed wood can be used in various applications such as flooring, furniture, and structural components. Using reclaimed wood helps preserve forests, reduces waste, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
  5. Gypsum: Gypsum from waste plasterboard can be recycled and used to produce new plasterboard or as a soil conditioner in agriculture, reducing the need for mining raw materials and preventing landfilled waste.

By prioritizing the use of recyclable materials and implementing recycling programs on construction sites, the industry can reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. In addition, the adoption of environmental considerations in construction not only benefits the environment but also reduces operating costs, supports regulatory compliance, and enhances a company’s reputation, making it a win-win situation for both the industry and the planet.

Choosing the Right Option for Your Property

One of the primary concerns for homeowners and property managers is ensuring their property remains safe, energy-efficient, and comfortable. Choosing the right insulation system for your property requires a comprehensive understanding of your building’s specific needs, climate considerations, local building regulations, and working with professionals for assessment and installation. This article will discuss each of these factors in detail to ensure you make the best decision for your property.

Individual Property Needs Assessment

A proper assessment of your property’s specific insulation requirements is essential in determining the right insulation system. First, inspect the existing insulation (if any) for damage or other issues, such as mold or inadequate coverage. This will provide a better understanding of the current state of your property and highlight any areas that may need improvement.

Next, evaluate the areas where insulation is needed the most. These typically include attics, walls, and floors, all of which may not have the same insulation requirements. For instance, an attic space may require thicker insulation with a high R-value, a measure of the material’s resistance to heat transfer, while walls and floors may have different requirements depending on the building’s materials and location.

Consider the following when assessing your property’s insulation needs:
– Age and construction type of the building
– Existing insulation materials and condition
– Accessibility to insulated areas for installation and maintenance
– Rooms or areas that require additional insulation
– Acoustic insulation needs, particularly for multi-story buildings

Climate Considerations

The climate in which your property is located plays a crucial role in determining the most suitable insulation system. Factors such as temperature extremes, humidity levels, and wind patterns can greatly affect the performance and durability of insulation materials.

For instance, in cold climates, it is essential to choose insulation with a high R-value to retain heat and minimize heat loss through walls, ceilings, and floors. In contrast, in hot and humid climates, insulation with good moisture resistance is crucial to preventing mold and ensuring structural integrity.

To choose the best insulation system for your climate, consult resources such as climate zone maps and local climate data to better understand your region’s specific needs.

Building Regulations, Codes, and Standards

Before embarking on any insulation project, it is important to familiarize yourself with relevant local building regulations, codes, and standards. This will help ensure that your chosen insulation system complies with mandatory requirements and avoids potential legal or financial issues down the line.

Building codes and standards can vary depending on location and may dictate specifics such as insulation material, minimum R-value requirements, and installation methods. Additionally, some jurisdictions may offer financial incentives or rebates for homeowners who opt for energy-efficient insulation systems.

To ensure compliance, consult local building authorities and professionals with experience in your area, and always obtain proper permits and inspections when necessary.

Working with Professionals for Assessment and Installation

While some property owners may feel confident undertaking a DIY insulation project, it is generally recommended to consult or hire professionals. An experienced insulation contractor can help assess your property’s unique needs, recommend suitable materials and installation methods, and ensure proper compliance with local building regulations.

When choosing a professional insulation contractor, consider the following:
– Verify their experience and certifications, particularly their familiarity with local building codes and climate-related concerns.
– Obtain several quotes from different contractors and compare their recommendations, pricing, and apparent quality of work.
– Seek out reviews or references to learn more about the contractor’s track record and customer satisfaction.
– Ensure the contractor has the necessary insurance and licenses to perform the work on your property.

By taking the time to understand your property’s insulation needs, considering climate factors, adhering to local building codes, and working with experienced professionals, you’ll ensure that you choose the right insulation system for your property. This will result in increased energy efficiency, cost savings, and a more comfortable living environment for you and your occupants.

Tailored Solutions: Double Glazed Windows Customised to Your Sydney Home’s Requirements

Experience the perfect fit for your Sydney home with our tailored double glazed windows, customised to meet your specific requirements. Whether you have unique window dimensions, architectural styles, or design preferences, our expert team will work closely with you to create bespoke window solutions that seamlessly integrate into your property. From custom shapes and sizes to personalised finishes and glazing options, our tailored windows ensure a precise fit and enhance the overall aesthetics of your Sydney residence.

FAQs on Cost Comparison Between Double and Triple Glazing

1. What is the general cost difference between double and triple glazing?

Typically, triple glazing costs approximately 20% to 25% more than double glazing due to the added pane, enhanced sealing, and specialized spacers (ClearView Glazing, 2019). Expenses vary depending on the size and quality of the windows, though both options deliver energy efficiency and noise reduction.

2. Does the increased cost of triple glazing offer a significant ROI compared to double glazing?

While triple glazing provides improved insulation and energy savings, the return on investment (ROI) may not be significantly higher than double glazing. The difference in energy savings typically ranges from 5% to 15%, depending on factors such as climate, usage, and installation quality (Energy Saving Trust, n.d.).

3. How does the installation cost compare for double and triple glazing?

The labor costs for installing triple glazing are generally comparable to double glazing since companies often charge based on the number of windows and/or the project’s complexity (Eco Home, 2021). However, the overall project cost will be higher due to the increased price of triple-glazed windows.

4. Does the lifespan of triple-glazed windows justify the additional expense compared to double-glazed windows?

Both double and triple-glazed windows have a lifespan of around 20 years or more, with the proper maintenance and care (ClearView Glazing, 2019). Although triple glazing may offer additional energy savings and noise reduction, its lifespan is not significantly different from double-glazed windows.

5. Are there any government schemes or incentives to offset the cost of triple glazing compared to double glazing?

Government schemes and incentives for energy efficiency improvements, such as the Green Homes Grant in the UK, may cover the costs of both double and triple glazing (GOV.UK, 2020). Eligible homeowners can apply for funding to improve insulation and reduce energy bills while considering the cost differences between these two options.

6. In what scenarios would triple glazing be more cost-effective compared to double glazing?

Triple glazing may be more cost-effective in regions with extremely cold climates or severe noise pollution, where the added insulation and soundproofing benefits outweigh the extra expense (Energy Saving Trust, n.d.). Additionally, in cases where higher-quality windows are desired and budget is less of a concern, triple glazing can be a good choice.

ClearView Glazing. (2019). Double Vs Triple Glazing: What’s The Difference And Which Should I Choose?. Retrieved from

Eco Home. (2021). Triple-glazed windows: Are they worth it?. Retrieved from

Energy Saving Trust. (n.d). Windows: Choosing the right glazing. Retrieved from

GOV.UK. (2020). Green Homes Grant. Retrieved from


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