Aluminium French doors are widely used by most homeowners across the globe. Most homeowners prefer them due to their beauty. These doors lead others due to their construction and design since they are built as double layered frames. This makes it possible to either open the door outwards or inwards.
These doors are used as exterior and interior doors. The interior ones are ideal for spaces such as a dining room. The exterior ones are ideal for patios. Read on for more information about the different kinds of exterior doors under the French type of doors. This information will assist you in making a better choice when choosing french doors.
The exterior type of these doors comes in several styles. The main feature of these doors is their carved and decorative edges. They also come with glazed or stained glass which is fitted into the frame.
Glazing may be single paned or double-paned. The ones that are double-paned offer better insulation and enhanced strength. Here are most popular exterior doors:
Hinged Exterior Doors
They are basically two double doors that are hinged to enable them open into or out of a room. When used in a patio, the doors swing outwards to open onto the patio. They are made of different materials such as ornate wood and decorative metal.
You can also choose the ones with clear or decorative glass. In case you dislike constant maintenance, then you can choose the ones made of vinyl or the ones made of metal but lack a glass panel.
Pocket Exterior Doors
They are ideal for rooms that lack enough space for doors that swing open. These doors basically slide over the wall. They can slide to either the left or the right side. They can also be used in the patio whereby you can slide them into the wall side that has little space or where the patio lacks enough space for doors that swing open into the patio.
It is crucial to allow these doors enough space where they will slide into. They have special construction to enable them slide into a wall and to make sure that they are properly protected and sealed from weather elements.
Multifold and Bifold Exterior Doors
These doors come with an accordion style. They have doors panels that are hinged and set on a track on which they slide. The hinges make it possible to fold them while the track makes it possible to slide the door sideways. They are very styling and attractive to use in virtually any home.
The bifold ones have two panels that fold twice. The multifold ones have smaller panels that fold at least three or four times. The panels fold onto themselves.
The two styles are best suited for rooms with limited space since they don’t require a lot of space to open for the panels fold onto themselves when opening the door. Nevertheless, they demand special construction to ensure that they remain protected and sealed from weather elements.
Aluminium French Doors Resources
You can find more information on our French doors blog.
Check out this guide on aluminium French doors prices